Monday, July 9, 2012

Seizing the Moment to Speak into Others' Lives

So often I pray for God to use me, then blindly stumble through the moments that come without even realizing He had a purpose until later. You know those thoughts, "I should have said..."
Well, this week God did use me and it wasn't until afterwards that I even realized it.

My husband and I plan for a weekly date night. It takes some effort and dedication to keep it up regularly, but it is well worth the positive benefits on our marriage. I strongly recommend a regular date night to all couples, even if it is only an hour away for a coffee or a walk through your neighbourhood. But I digress...

Late in our meal hubby slipped away to the bathroom. Our server approached me, asking when we were getting married, as she had heard the word "fiancee" and thought we were talking about us. When she realized we had been married sixteen years (suddenly I feel old!) she started asking me questions about what age we got married, what age I think is best, and how did we manage to stay married this long! It was such a blessing to be able to speak to her and explain what has made our marriage work (commitment and communication!) and that there are times when you don't feel the love, but that it will return if you keep working out the issues.

She walked away marvelling that it is ok to get angry at someone! It is sad that our TV and movie fantasy world has so set up people with the idea of "happily ever after" that we have young people who don't realize that real life doesn't work that way! What a pleasure to be the messenger encouraging her that successful relationships are based on work rather than romantic feelings.

Thank you God for the chance to speak into another's life. Praying for more opportunities to be used by Him!

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