Friday, April 13, 2012

Let's Not Eat Lasagna After All...

I decided I should share this week's lasagna story as I am sure it will give someone a laugh!

We invited my sister over for a nice Easter dinner this weekend. We chose lasagna for an entree as she is vegetarian. Besides, it's one of our kids' favourite dishes, especially since we figured out to make two - one with regular cheese and one with goat cheese for my guys with dairy challenges! Anyways, I digress.

My sister showed up at dinner time to the sound of hubby and I arguing over the lasagna, which wasn't cooking. In fact, the sauce wasn't even made. I was cutting the first veggies as she walked in. Oops! So we threw the veggies back in the fridge and my sis took us out for a nice dinner. Thanks Sis!

Monday we tried again. Our day went haywire and at 6:30 we still hadn't started the sauce so we ate something else. Tuesday I made the sauce and left it to simmer. By dinner time it had tried to burn on the bottom of the pot several times, and was the consistency of watered down tomato juice. Not a good start to dinner. We dumped the lasagna for dinner idea AGAIN (can you hear my inflexible son ramping up at the idea of his beloved lasagna being delayed for the third time???) and poured it in the crockpot to simmer. We let it simmer all day Wednesday and it was still way too runny, and not tasting very good to boot. Michael and I had date night, so the kids ate spaghetti with some of the sauce on top, with extra sugar added to make it palatable. We doctored up the sauce some more then left it to simmer all night Wednesday and all day Thursday in the hopes of making it taste better. We got home ready to finally have lasagna for dinner, and the sauce had turned black. It was still too runny, except now it was black and tasted worse than ever.
Guess what? We still didn't have lasagna for dinner!
Tomorrow we are going to do up a fresh batch of sauce and try again. Wish me luck!

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