Saturday, January 14, 2012

My Kids Create

We had our first snow of the calendar year and the first one where it was good packing snow. My kids had a blast today, building a snowman and a snowfort. They even shovelled both our driveway and our neighbour's! They wrapped up the afternoon with a snowball fight with Daddy (Mummy has more sense).

I just had to share their create (but expensive) snowman with you! He has cinnamon hair, with a black pepper strip through it for the earmuff band, broccoli earmuffs, stick eyes, carrot nose and mouth, and vitamin drink for rosy cheeks. Gotta love their creativity even while cringing at the effect on my food budget! LOL

Here's the pictures:

1 comment:

  1. Very fun and creative! Now we know what really happens to the veggies at your house!
